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posted 10 years ago
Last updated 2 years ago.

Set the debug option to true in app/config/app.php - this error could appear for any number of reasons, you need to turn debugging on to see the actual error.

Last updated 2 years ago.

Thanks, when i change this it still problem:


You need to specify a file path to store the seed."

Last updated 2 years ago.

Which method did you use to install Laravel?

Last updated 2 years ago.

I install via

1- git clone ................ and composer install

2- download the latest version and composer install

but it still show "RuntimeException: You need to specify a file path to store the seed."

Last updated 2 years ago.

See You can install the php openssl extension to make it work (I think).

Last updated 2 years ago.

Thanks, it is ok

Last updated 2 years ago.

I am a beginner,i installed laravel in my ubuntu 14.04 and tried running it but then popped a error "Whoops something went wrong". i tried debugging here is what i have done.

changed 'debug'=>false to true at app/config/app.php

then i added this runtime exception by coping from some forum at app/start/global.php if(App::environment('local')) { App::error(function(RuntimeException $exception) { return "whats happening"; }); }

then i runned it again in that forum they asked to check environment variables i checked them but nothing related to error hadler i added..

i checked error logs also nothing found what to do...? :(

please help me out

Last updated 2 years ago.

i install new laravel when i run 1st time they work after refresh they show Whoops, looks like something went wrong. when i delete cookies then they work only for one time after when i refresh they again show same error. i don't know why they show Whoops, looks like something went wrong. please help me

Last updated 2 years ago.

Change permiss app/storage

chmod -R 777 app/storage

Last updated 2 years ago.

hi, i had the same issue it it turned out to be a simple solution

open app/config/app.php

at line 81, make sure you set the key to a 32 character string, by default they do not make it 32 characters


neosin, thanks for the tip! This is exactly what I had to do and it resolved the issue of the "Whoops..." page from displaying on initial install.

neosin said:

hi, i had the same issue it it turned out to be a simple solution

open app/config/app.php

at line 81, make sure you set the key to a 32 character string, by default they do not make it 32 characters


Sorry for de time, but i need write. This error "Whoops, looks like something went wrong." appeared for me. The solution gived for me by frend in work. In the work folder, insert the commands:

$ chmod -R 777 storage; cp -p .env.example .env; php artisan key:generate

Press "F5" in your browser and verify.

Last updated 8 years ago.

I have not the foggiest idea because it does not work, until you make your solution and it works. by the way the folder app/config/app.php where thanks gledsonscotti


when you download clone from github, possibly there's no .env file to it as github does not upload hidden files. hence its missed..just replace your .env file from your older project to the github clonned project


I'm assuming most of you encounter because you're using Git Clone, just for note, if you check the .gitignore file, you can see that .env is excluded from push for security reason. Just follow these steps:

1. Clone the directory

###If you're git cloning using Windows

If you're using XAMPP, things are simple. Just clone the whole directory to your XAMPP. If you run the built-in server php artisan serve, just follow along this step, then run the server in the end.

###If you're git cloning using Ubuntu or fellow Linux

This step is simpler for Linux user, just git clone the directory to non-root folder. No need for XAMPP/LAMPP, you can use the built-in server.

2. Composer Update

Quickly run the composer update command in case.

$ composer update

2. Set Up Database Connection

Open up the .env.example and edit this line:


After that, save it as .env file. This is Important!

3. Setup the Key

This one is simple, but make sure you've done step 2 above, which is renaming the file.

$ php artisan key:generate

And Laravel will automatically generate random key for you.

4. Run The Website

###Windows User

Redirect your XAMPP server to the public directory of the Quiz-App folder

###Fellow Linux User

If you know how to use Apache, just set it up. Else, you can type:

$ php artisan serve

Windows user can use this command also.

Last updated 7 years ago.

Error : RuntimeException

Run : cp .env.example .env and php artisan key:generate

Last updated 6 years ago.

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