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posted 7 years ago
Last updated 2 years ago.

Not sure why you did all of this. You just had to set fillable.


@lagbox : i don't know what you mean by all of this ..!!

i already set the fillable and everything was normal and this problem suddenly happened after i made the Accessors ..

all of this to explain the situation and make the problem obvious to you ..

you can read what i did again , and you will see that everything is normal, but i don't know what cause the problem ..

and this is some dd() test :

  • in the createUser method in the User model i dd() the userData variable :
array:9 [
  "email" => "[email protected]"
  "password" => "123456"
  "phone" => "0321561235"
  "name" => "ryan"
  "api_token" => "Q3kphRxwQzcdah55yZUS9Ip6Vjt8qi09EkgrlDaRTd8jpYLGwOpqhANcW5Ce"
  "status" => 1
  "dashboard_access" => 0
  "role" => "member"
  • and i dd() the fillable attributes of a new instance of the User model :
array:16 [
  0 => "name"
  1 => "email"
  2 => "password"
  3 => "img"
  4 => "gender"
  5 => "phone"
  6 => "address_ar"
  7 => "address_en"
  8 => "address_coordinates"
  9 => "role"
  10 => "dashboard_access"
  11 => "status"
  12 => "confirmed"
  13 => "confirmation_code"
  14 => "api_token"
  15 => "membership_id"

@lagbox :

in my User model i made a construct to make dynamically hidden attributes :

and when i comment this construct, it worked again .. but idk why this cause this problem :

public function __construct()
        // to hide unused properties in the returned josn api.
        if(request()->segment(1) == 'api'){

@lagbox : it solved now as i should call the parent construct in User construct to not override the existing mass assignment attributes :)

like this :

    public function __construct($attributes = [])
        // To not override the existing mass assignment attributes
        // to hide unused properties in the returned josn api.
        if(request()->segment(1) == 'api'){

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