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posted 10 years ago
Last updated 2 years ago.

These types of sites can often be a paralysis by information sort of thing. The fact you added tags is super helpful, but even then there are 5 different tutorials about controllers alone. To the users using the site it can be helpful if you provide some level of editorial on each one. The other option (because that can definitely be a lot of work) is do what Laracasts does and have a Prerequisites value. "Oh, ok, I should do this one on queue's until I check out that article about controllers. Ah, and for the Controllers article it says I need the 'What is an MVC` article first, but I already have done Rails so I can skip that."

That sort of feature will make the site more accessible by many orders of magnitude.

All that said, killer site. Love the layout and the idea.

EDIT: for an example of what I mean, here is an article that is entirely useless to me, despite the fact that I would probably be super excited had I found 15 separate articles.

Last updated 2 years ago.

Thank you for the feedbacks. Yes, I agree everything you mentioned. I think i'm gonna gather a little bit more links and clean up by tags and categories more efficiently so that people can navigate easily.

FYI, layout or any design materials are coming from larval tricks source code, not me.

Last updated 2 years ago.

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