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Last updated 2 years ago.

repeater09 said:

I am trying to get the Filemanager plugin to work on my localhost Laravel 4 project.

I have the plugin in place located in public/js/rte/plugins and I have the config.php file located in the same location. I am trying to get the config.php to point to my public/img folder so I can select and upload images to it. I am having some issues with it because I normally just use blade to complete this task and not to familiar with relative paths. Has anyone got this working with Laravel 4 that can maybe explain a little further?

Here is the config.php and how i have it set at the moment. When i dump everything it seems to be correct.

if($_SESSION["verify"] != "FileManager4TinyMCE") die('forbidden');

$root = rtrim($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'],'/'); // don't touch this configuration

//Path configuration
// In this configuration the folder tree is
// root
//   |- tinymce
//   |    |- source <- upload folder
//   |    |- js
//   |    |   |- tinymce
//   |    |   |    |- plugins
//   |    |   |    |-   |- filemanager
//   |    |   |    |-   |-      |- thumbs <- folder of thumbs [must have the write permission]

$base_url="/local_search/public"; //url base of site if you want only relative url leave empty
$upload_dir = '/img/'; // path from base_url to upload base dir
$current_path = '/img/'; // relative path from filemanager folder to upload files folder

You can use this settings, this is an example of my settings

if($_SESSION["verify"] != "FileManager4TinyMCE") die('forbidden');

// $root = rtrim($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'],'/'); // don't touch this configuration
$root = rtrim(__FILE__,'/'); // don't touch this configuration
$root = substr($root, 0, strpos($root, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'public' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'dashboard' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR));

//Path configuration
// In this configuration the folder tree is
// root
//   |- tinymce
//   |    |- source <- upload folder
//   |    |- js
//   |    |   |- tinymce
//   |    |   |    |- plugins
//   |    |   |    |-   |- filemanager
//   |    |   |    |-   |-      |- thumbs <- folder of thumbs [must have the write permission]

//$base_url="http://localhost"; //url base of site if you want only relative url leave empty
$base_url = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
$base_url = substr($base_url, 0, strpos($base_url, '/public/dashboard/'));
$base_url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $base_url;
//$upload_dir = '/tinymce/source/'; // path from base_url to upload base dir
$upload_dir = '/public/uploads/pages'; // path from base_url to upload base dir

//$current_path = '../../../../source/'; // relative path from filemanager folder to upload files folder
$current_path = '../../../../../uploads/pages'; // relative path from filemanager folder to upload files folder

My folder in public/uploads/pages

You can use like my code, i create for dynamic folder Please locate your folder and change if needed Thank you

Last updated 9 years ago.

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repeater09 repeater09 Joined 18 Apr 2014


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