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Cache Blade
Last updated 2 years ago.

Am having the same problem. No matter how much i edit my views they just will not change. Even when I delete all the code, it keeps displaying the previous coding.

Am trying to make a La-ravel and J Query mobile app

Please help


i have the same, i "solved" deleting the app/storage/views but i dont know if is a good solution, so let me know if you solve it form another way please. Thanks


jlcanizales said:

i have the same, i "solved" deleting the app/storage/views but i dont know if is a good solution, so let me know if you solve it form another way please. Thanks

This is a Laravel caching directory. Delete the contents and you should see the changes.


What about:

php artisan cache:clear


this works: php artisan view:clear

Last updated 8 years ago.

Im having the same problem. Is there a solution?


I had this problem during development. My development server was running on a VM and the clock on the VM was off. Setting the clock to the correct time fixed the issue for me.

Last updated 8 years ago.

OK I had this problem today and couldnt see the changes to my blade after pushing them to my DO host.

I did the usual artisan commands to clear out the cache and view etc.

I found a link on laradock github about it:
opcache.validate_timestamps="1" // Modify 0 to 1
opcache.revalidate_freq="0" // Add this line

these lines were in my php.ini file, not my opcache.ini file as I first presumed.

I am not sure why this is the case, but it may be due to UTC time and cache validation at work. Being GMT +8 I am in the future, not the past according to the time on the host. I am not sure that is a valid argument.

It did solve my problem, but I wouldnt mind knowing more about it.

Last updated 6 years ago.

@superwebdeveloper We were running into intermittent issues with newer config (not .env) settings not displaying, methods not being found intermittently, etc. We cleared all of the artisan caches, etc, no use. We had just upgraded to php7, and apparently our opcode cache was bonked. Disabling opcaching fixed an issue we had been fighting with for weeks. Thank you SO much for pointing us in the right direction.


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