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Last updated 2 years ago.

Hi Bramsutarsa,

I have also tried the ember.js with Laravel and after research I found a very easy way. Please send me your mail, I will send you some stuff regarding ember and laravel.


Last updated 2 years ago.

erajaykumar321 said:

Hi Bramsutarsa,

I have also tried the ember.js with Laravel and after research I found a very easy way. Please send me your mail, I will send you some stuff regarding ember and laravel.


why you dont post this here? and help others..

Last updated 2 years ago.

I am interested too...

Last updated 2 years ago.

yeah, me too, I love ember.js so please send me too :)

Last updated 2 years ago.

In case want to get started using Ember.js with Laravel:

This series on sitepoint looks very helpful. The main thing to get is that if you use Ember.js, you only need Laravel to build an HTTP API serving out the data. If you're familiar with building websites with Laravel but not HTTP APIs: Postman is a great tool to interact with your Laravel API while you're building it. It'll give you a better grip on what you're doing. When you're ready to connect your Ember app to the API, I would advise to keep the folders and hosts separated (unlike the package does, this package puts an Ember.js app inside a Laravel project). For example, you can host the API at and the ember app at Now go build stuff!

In case you are using Ember.js with Laravel:

Anyone out there using dingo/api or Fractal? I've proposed an EmberSerializer for Fractal but it's not gotten much love yet, so I'm considering switching to JSON-API instead.

What are you guys using?

Last updated 9 years ago.

I'm using a json based API. Works really well, and since I'm more comfortable with laravel than ember, I often modify the API to meet the ember data's expectations.

I'm at the stage in development when I want to start working with authentication.

So.. Anyone want to share how they're tackling this?


I am also interested. I really would like to know the best way to setup a Ember CLI and Laravel App


teejten9 said:

I am also interested. I really would like to know the best way to setup a Ember CLI and Laravel App

What helped me ALOT was the API series on laracasts. The transformers and getting a proper json response was good.

I ended up loading child records with "links" as oppose to side loading and had a different route group to deal with the nested resources and one at root level on the laravel side of things. The ember documentation on "links" is really minimal and I didn't want to spend anymore time researching it.


^ Awesome, thanks for the information. I just renewed my subscription list week haha. Cheers!


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