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Installation Configuration
Last updated 2 years ago.
  1. After full installation I was looking for "laravel" folder inside xampp/htdocs but I cant find that.

What do you mean? The project directory wasn't created? Where were you(in terms of current directory in command line) when you ran a command installing laravel?

I can tell you what is my xampp config. Maybe it helps. httpd-vhosts.conf:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerAdmin [email protected]
    DocumentRoot "B:/xampp/htdocs/my-laravel-app"
    ErrorLog "logs/my-laravel-app-error.log"
    CustomLog "logs/my-laravel-app-access.log" common

<Directory "B:/xampp/htdocs/my-laravel-app/">
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes ExecCGI
    AllowOverride All
    Require all granted


Okay, my path was the default windows CMD path (when you type cmd and hit enter it opens the command prompt).

Can you please tell me how I can install laravel on E: ? I mean I set my localhost to a folder "localhost" in E: and I set apache for that and its working. So can I install laravel there and put the following code in httpd-vhosts.conf: ?

<VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin [email protected] DocumentRoot "E:/localhost/my-laravel-app" ServerName ErrorLog "logs/my-laravel-app-error.log" CustomLog "logs/my-laravel-app-access.log" common </VirtualHost>


I found the laravel folder in C:\user\my name\ - can you please guide me how to move to E:\localhost and set all the files ?


Is there any one who can help please ? If this is not the correct forum to ask this question please let me know where shall I go and ask.


Hello Zee I am going to suggest you an alternate approach first remove everything you did with respect to laravel and get things to normal. now go to github and doewnload a zip for laravel framework and create a folder in htdocs and name it laravel put all the contents of zip inside laravel folder now right click on laravel folder and choose use composer here in the command prompt write composer install and hit enter the process is going to take about 10 minutes after it is finished go to path http://localhost/laravel/public and wallah you will see laravel welcome page. hope this helps.

Last updated 8 years ago.

hi, try using vagrant it's easy


Thank you @adammalle - I will try that. Can I put it outside "htdocs" ? I already have localhost setup for e:\localhost so can I create a folder there and install ?


zeeshanhashmi said:

Thank you @adammalle - I will try that. Can I put it outside "htdocs" ? I already have localhost setup for e:\localhost so can I create a folder there and install ?

Well laravel is a php framework and so it requires a server so you will have to put that inside laravel please try the process I explained above and if there is any problem please let me know.


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