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Configuration Requests
Last updated 2 years ago.

I even just tried stripping the core database data transfer just to see if there's too much going on, but it still throws the error. The hell of it is that it was working totally fine all week lol

Last updated 2 years ago.

To view the log files, change to the root user. You should then have the correct permissions.

sudo su
Last updated 2 years ago.

Hello. I recently experienced 502 issues as well. Being new to the framework, I have been adding comments in my code to remind myself whats going on. After adding comments in a partial, by pushing cmd / , Sublime added html comment syntax and an additional '-->' because I had a comment already. This was breaking my code giving me the 502 Bad Gateway. @including this into a view with even more comments inside, I think was the issue. I also use the Blade comment syntax now {{-- --}} Try clearing any comments that could be breaking code. I hope this helps.

Last updated 2 years ago.

Thank you shabushabu! With your help I was able to see the error log and continue! <3

Last updated 2 years ago.

I have the same issue, I'm in root but the logs files are not helping at all... I've created a post here


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