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Input Views Validation
Last updated 2 years ago.
return Redirect::action('UserController@editUser')->withErrors($validator->errors()); // THIS BUGGED

Does this need you to pass the ID parameter like so:

return Redirect::action('UserController@editUser' , array('id'=>Auth::id()) )->withErrors($validator->errors());
Last updated 2 years ago.

Thanks, i will try it out. But can i pass not my current ID, but the id of user which i am looking for. In my case it's 1. With Auth::id() i am getting my current id.

Last updated 2 years ago.

Ahh of course yes, pass the id of the post owner :)

Last updated 2 years ago.

Thanks, but why do i have to do that? I have other method in same controller, but it works without sending any variables:

	public function editMyProfile() {
		$user = $this->user->find(Auth::id());
		return View::make('auth.editUser')->with('user', $user);

	public function doEditMyProfile() {
		// Validation
		$validator = new UserEditFormValidator(Input::all());

		if ($validator->fails()) {
			return Redirect::action('UserController@editMyProfile')->withErrors($validator->errors());

		$input = array(
			'id' => Input::get('id'),
			'name' => Input::get('name'),
			'active' => (Input::has('active')) ? true : false,
			'password' => Input::get('password')

		return Redirect::action('UserController@editMyProfile')->with('success', 'Your profile data has been updated');
Last updated 2 years ago.

I have noticed, when i submit form via POST it redirect me to url:


instead of:


So i need to send variable with Redirect class only in case of using get variables?

Last updated 2 years ago.

I beleive its because your method editUser requires the parameter $id

public function editUser($id) {
    $user = $this->user->find($id);
    return View::make('auth.editUser')->with('user', $user);

Where as editMyProfile doesn't

public function editMyProfile() {
    $user = $this->user->find(Auth::id());
    return View::make('auth.editUser')->with('user', $user);

At least that'd be my assumptions

Hope that helps

Last updated 2 years ago.

heihachi88 said:

Thanks, i will try it out. But can i pass not my current ID, but the id of user which i am looking for. In my case it's 1. With Auth::id() i am getting my current id.


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