Well Laravel used to do this and moved to the DotEnv. It is very similar in he sense of you can have the defaults be production or local, or what ever and then define the. env file on the machine you are deploying to.
It means I can consider .env file as a local override file ? and in Lumen what I tried to use there is no config folder at all. Maybe you can point me to documentation page, for latest laravel/lumen ?
Just for clarification why Lumen has no app/config folder anymore ? and Lumen moved from this solution to DotEnv how to organize nested environments ? like production, staging, dev,local .... ? In way that staging will inherit everything from production, dev from staging etc.. and will be able to override any values
They moved away from those files as a whole, mainly for security, from my understanding, since .env files shouldn't be committed. Basically you set up what you want the values to be in the env file vs having cascading config files.
Anyway here's Lumens documentation and here is [Laravels documentation (http://laravel.com/docs/5.1#environment-configuration).
They moved away from those files as a whole, mainly for security, from my understanding, since .env files shouldn't be committed. Basically you set up what you want the values to be in the env file vs having cascading config files.
Anyway here's Lumens documentation and here is Laravels documentation.
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