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posted 9 years ago
Last updated 2 years ago.


You need to show more of your code.

Does the class extend baum?

class Categorie extends Baum\Node {

Did you set up a migration for the table(s)?

You need to create the root node (parent) first.

$root = Category::create(['name' => 'Root category']);

Then you can assign children to that parent:

$child1 = $root->children()->create(['name' => 'Child 1']);

Then you can search for the parent like so:

$node = Category::where('name', '=', 'Root category')->first();

foreach($node->getDescendantsAndSelf() as $descendant) {
  echo "{$descendant->name}";

Taken from:

Last updated 9 years ago.

Hi Arikin,

Thanks for your reply.

I have been testing allot with baum in the last days.

Currently i'm busy with the code below. I would like to accomplish the following:

Read parent categories that are attached to a topmenu == 1. Fetch all children with a maxdepth of 1. So basicly a parent / child situation.

The code below fires 5 query's. Is there any way (besides caching the result) without this much query's? Query = 1 for parent, 1 for each child.

"select * from `categories` where `topmenu` = ?" 

string(149) "select * from `categories` where `categories`.`parent_id` = ? and `categories`.`parent_id` is not null and `depth` between ? and ? order by `lft` asc"

string(149) "select * from `categories` where `categories`.`parent_id` = ? and `categories`.`parent_id` is not null and `depth` between ? and ? order by `lft` asc"

string(149) "select * from `categories` where `categories`.`parent_id` = ? and `categories`.`parent_id` is not null and `depth` between ? and ? order by `lft` asc"

string(149) "select * from `categories` where `categories`.`parent_id` = ? and `categories`.`parent_id` is not null and `depth` between ? and ? order by `lft` asc"
$tree = Categorie::where('topmenu', '=', 1)->get();
		echo '<pre>';

		foreach($tree as $t){
			echo $t->name.'<br />';
			$children = $t->children()->limitDepth(1)->get();	
			foreach($children as $c){
				echo $c->name.'<br />';

I found a solution.

I created a service provider / facade.

Created a class that receives the full baum tree. Then it removes unnecessary child elements from the tree and return it.

Is that the way to go?


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