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Last updated 2 years ago.

I think you should build it, what is clear is that you need page= page1= page2= , I mean, different GET Variables foreach pagination. If you use page= for every pagination, if you pass to page=2 every paginated items will shown second page items.

Also you can conbine, the first one, do it with paginate(x) (page var is reserved). You may implement the other ones:

$page1 = Input::get('input1',1);
$page2 = Input::get('input2',1);
$skip1 = $page1*$perpage;
$items1 = Items::skip($skip1)->take($perpage)->get();
$items1Total = Items::count();

or maybe using Paginator::make() and passing the items, the total,perpage and customize the URL to get different "page" var as I told you

but I think you will get all the maybe, best is to combine, geting just what you need to show, so skip and take what you need, and pass it to the paginator make.

Good luck. I can't help you more now, I am busy, and I think the best way is to understand the idea and where the problem is, or where the problems are and solve them by yourself.

Last updated 2 years ago.

I guess I understand.

Thank You.

Last updated 2 years ago.

I found another easy solution on stack overflow. By setting page name for each pagination. It worked for me.

Last updated 2 years ago.

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