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Database Blade
Last updated 2 years ago.

You could just do something like

// In your controller

$sites = Sites::all();
$object = [];

foreach ($sites as $site) {
    $object[] = ['name' => $site->name, 'lat' => $site->lat, 'long' => $site->long];

return View::make('your.view', ['sites' => $object]);

// In your view

var sites = {{ json_encode($object) }};
Last updated 2 years ago.

Thanks for the suggestion, unfortunately I'm getting

Undefined variable: object (View: blah/blah/sites.blade.php)

Any other tips?

Last updated 2 years ago.

How do you pass your data to view? Can you be more specific why it doesn't work?

Last updated 2 years ago.

Hi Mirago,

Sorry I can't provide much more info, as mentioned above I'm a rookie when it comes to this stuff so I'm still finding my feet.

It would appear that CaporalDead suggested creating a json object in the controller and then passing the object in to the view however somewhere along the line the process isn't working.

Unfortunately the best guidance I can provide is in my opening question, sorry :(


Last updated 2 years ago.

Well you could do something like his example, however in here

var sites = {{ json_encode($object) }};

you should be using $sites instead of $object

Last updated 2 years ago.

Thanks Mirago, getting closer!

The page no longer breaks but I'm getting a js error in my leaflet application saying 'Cannot read property 'lat' of null' .

I think the problem is that my var sites2 = {{ json_encode($sites) }}; is being returned as

var sites2 = [{"long":"-0.10424942","lat":"51.52754211"},{"long":"-0.15128464","lat":"51.51632690"},{"long":"-0.07867187","lat":"51.51344299"},{"long":"-0.08433670","lat":"51.51824951"}];

when I think it should be returned as

var sites = [

Urgh I wish I picked any easier project to start on :)

Thanks for all your help everyone!

Last updated 2 years ago.

So just loop through that array as you did before with foreach. use $siteatt['lat'] instead of $siteatt->lat if its not ojbect

Last updated 2 years ago.

You're the man Mirago!

So to confirm what I ended up with In my Controller

$sites = Site::all();
		return View::make('sites.sites', ['sites' =>$sites]);

In my view

var sites2 = [
    		@foreach ($sites as $siteatt)

Thanks everyone for their help.

Last updated 2 years ago.

Sorry, didn't have time to answer you but I'm glad that @mirago could help you :).

Last updated 2 years ago.

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