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Cache Views Blade
Last updated 2 years ago.


Did you solve it? I have exactly same problem. And pnly for deploy. At localhost vagrant virtual machine everything works fine.

But after deploy there is no changes at output html for some time.

How am I deploying:
0. TLDR: I'm using Deployer PHP tool for this.

  1. Create new release folder
  2. Git pull into this new folder
  3. Composer install
  4. Create symlinks for shared files (such as .env or uploads, for example)
  5. Run migrations
  6. Create symlink at current release
  7. artisan:queue:restart, artisan:cache:clear, artisan:config:cache, artisan:config:clear

Sometimes after deploy my views are updates and sometimes are NOT.

It' UTC on server and at Laravel config. It's not UTC at my developer machine, but I suppose this is not important.

Last updated 7 years ago.

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