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Configuration Architecture
Last updated 2 years ago.

I would like to know as well...

I used jmeter with 30 request in one go to access just the default page of laravel and it went up to around 50% already using amazon ec2 T2.medium server.


Last updated 2 years ago.

I got same problem on my VPS server (CentOS 7; PHP 5.4.16; CPU single Core, 1GB RAM + Apache-CGI/Nginx-FPM) between 10 until 20 request, it make CPU Load until 90% (what a shame)

I have searched any possible trouble maker (my code, PHP config, Server software config, etc), but still no correct solution.

Is there any correct suggestion? or this discussion ( has a correct result?

Thanx for any response

Last updated 2 years ago.

as vafrcor's linked post suggests you should cache some of the database queries, that could save some overhead.

after that both laravel and composer load a lot of files, both of them come with an optimize command for production environments.

For laravel :php artisan optimize For composer: composer dump-autoload --optimize

Calling laravel's optimize would be enough, since that one also calls composer's optimize command.

Last updated 2 years ago.
Last updated 2 years ago.

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