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posted 9 years ago
Last updated 2 years ago.

You could take a look at Model Observers:

Or perhaps, depending on what you are trying to do Accessors:

Hope it helps.

Last updated 2 years ago.


thank you for your reply.

I want to avoid extra queries, so the only ways to do this is to select my extra column at initialization.

Last updated 2 years ago.

How are you dealing with URLs? Perhaps you could do something with a route filter?

Of if your users locale has been defined, you could use App::setLocale('en'); ? You could perhaps then use the locale as part of your queries?

There are a couple of threads on here that people have been discussing translations - Sadly. I can only offer a few ideas. Translations are in phase two for us!


Last updated 2 years ago.

Hi you :)

Although my table name is translation, my problem is not about the localisation of an application. ^^

I want to execute a sub select and append the result as a property to my model.

I have the model JsonKey, which needs an appended property calculated by a sub select.

select *, (select translations.updated_at from "translations" where "jsonkeys"."id" = "translations"."jsonkey_id" and "translations".language = "english") as master_updated_at from "jsonkeys"

The reason I don't want to use an accessor is to save database queries. Because I have a lot items.

So I came up with the idea, to manipulate the models initializing query to perform this sub select.

Last updated 2 years ago.

alexwenzel said:

Hi you :)

Although my table name is translation, my problem is not about the localisation of an application. ^^

I want to execute a sub select and append the result as a property to my model.

I have the model JsonKey, which needs an appended property calculated by a sub select.

select *, (select translations.updated_at from "translations" where "jsonkeys"."id" = "translations"."jsonkey_id" and "translations".language = "english") as master_updated_at from "jsonkeys"

The reason I don't want to use an accessor is to save database queries. Because I have a lot items.

So I came up with the idea, to manipulate the models initializing query to perform this sub select.

Anyone got a solution / idea?

Last updated 2 years ago.

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