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posted 10 years ago
Last updated 2 years ago.

Some of my thoughts,

Sounds like it is a comparison between oranges and apples. Framework such as GWT, ZK, Vaadin fall into the category of a complete UI Web framework for building Rich Internet Application, RIA powered by Java. Its primary goal is to create intuitive web application with lots of user interaction involving , not for websites.

Where Laravel does not come with a UI by default, and is a general purpose framework for everything from websites to web application. powered by PHP.

Despite the fact of they are written in 2 languages. I think a more suitable example is to compare Laravel with SpringFramework or Wicket.

In conclusion, If you are looking for a full stack of UI framework for a web application, you could definitely try GWT, ZK or Vaadin. If you stick with Laravel, you would try some of the frontend framework to sort of simulate what ZK framework does, such as, AngularJs, BackboneJs, EmberJs, or even Sproutcore, Cappuccino Framework, etc.

Tho, I would love to see if there is a project comes with embed UI into Laravel. :D

Last updated 2 years ago.

Zk and laravel have different objeetives, if you want a better appareance in your app i suggest easyui, it is a framework based in jquery and allow a beautiful face for your user, it is not perfect but improve the experience.

Last updated 2 years ago.

yuomtheara said:

What do you think, if Laravel embed UI, Data binding, ajax like ZK

In the moment I am difficult to embed any UI like datepicker, select2, ajax... and You?

There's nothing in Laravel preventing you from providing anything via ajax - just send back what you need when making an ajax request to something. Datepickers typically don't require server interaction so that's not even really a concern. Also, data binding is entirely a front-end JS concern.

A PHP framework has no business specifying what tools you must use for JS/HTML development. Elixir comes as a bonus tool to help get you rolling, but you're still free to use what you'd like.

Last updated 2 years ago.

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