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Configuration Blade
Last updated 2 years ago.

Have you named your class that ? Just give it a look.

Last updated 2 years ago.

Yes, I already do. Those class is working just fine in Laravel 4.

BTW nice Bioman avatar :)

Last updated 2 years ago.

Are you properly importing the class ? I assume you have put that class in global namespace.

L5 uses PSR-4 autoloading, try keeping your classes in namespaced.

... tX !

Last updated 2 years ago.

Here are my steps :

The content for app/library/myFunctions.php is below :

<?php namespace App\library {
	class myFunctions {
		public function is_ok() {
			return 'myFunction is OK';

At resources/views/test.blade.php , I added :

  $FmyFunctions1 = new myFunctions;
  $is_ok = ($FmyFunctions1->is_ok());

Then at composer.json within "autoload": I added :

    "files": [

And within app\Http\Controllers\HomeController.php at public index() I add :

return view('test');

But it always give me error messages regarding 'myFunctions' as below :

Whoops, looks like something went wrong. 1/1 FatalErrorException in xxxx line 7: Class 'myFunctions' not found in xxxx line 7 at HandleExceptions->handleShutdown()

Last updated 2 years ago.
Last updated 2 years ago.

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