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Security Packages Installation
Last updated 2 years ago.

I should also add that I'm using Resource model binding where I have the following defined in my RouteServiceProvider

        Route::model('User', App\User::class);
        Route::model('Template', App\Template::class);
        Route::model('Account', App\Account::class);

OK looks like Landlord doesn't play nice with Route Model Binding and simply have to change my Controller methods from

public function show(Account $account)


public function show($id) {
   $account = Account::findOrFail($id);

The only new problem now is that it doesn't seem to be working with nested routes.

If I have Route::resource('account.template', 'TemplateController')

but then try and authenticate the user_id on the account the same way i do in my AccountController, it doesn't append the tenant check.


If the parent is Tenant Scoped, and the child is referenced on a foreign key, the Scope is not required.

As the child is anyways bound directly to the parent (Account), and you'd "always" access the (Template) from the Account, through the relationship.


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