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Database Eloquent
Last updated 2 years ago.

Hi Darius,

The get function returns a collection of result please try using first() for more details have a look at the Query Builder Manual

You might also have a look at eloquent and how relations work

I would create 2 Elqouent Models "Cashbook" and "transactions" and then set up a one to many relation ( A Cashbook has many transactions and a transaction belongs to one cashbook) or have two relations one for the receiving cashbook and one for the sending cashbook

Eloquent Getting started

Eloquent Relationships : one to many

Last updated 5 years ago.

Thanks Taftse! I have made a note in my todo-list. Currently I do not have relations setup correctly. Once I fix this probably I will be able to make this work more easily. I will try to not forget and report back here on the result and approach I have taken.


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Darius Blaszyk daar Joined 21 Aug 2019


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