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posted 1 year ago

Hello @juanchos2018

I think you mean multi tenant, is that correct? Or do you have an explicit package in mind?

For a multi tenant application you need to decide if you want to have all data in the same database or a database for each tenant. For both options I don't see any reason that it can't be done by SQL Server.


uhmmmm, but I have tried with sqsrv however it has not worked, since its managers only have : 'sqlite' => Stancl\Tenancy\TenantDatabaseManagers\SQLiteDatabaseManager::class, 'mysql' => Stancl\Tenancy\TenantDatabaseManagers\MySQLDatabaseManager::class, 'pgsql' => Stancl\Tenancy\TenantDatabaseManagers\PostgreSQLDatabaseManager::class,

cap-marin liked this reply


I have the same problem with sql server, if I found a solution, I will write here...


If you want to adopt Stancl\Tenancy, you may create your own SqlServerDatabaseManager class to add in tenancy configuration:

// config/tenancy.php
'managers' => [
    'sqlite' => Stancl\Tenancy\TenantDatabaseManagers\SQLiteDatabaseManager::class,
    'mysql' => Stancl\Tenancy\TenantDatabaseManagers\MySQLDatabaseManager::class,
    'pgsql' => Stancl\Tenancy\TenantDatabaseManagers\PostgreSQLDatabaseManager::class,
    'sqlsrv' => App\Services\SqlServerDatabaseManager::class,

Obviously, you must install Microsoft drivers for PHP in your server...

I have created my class for SQL Server. If you want me to share it, please email me at: [email protected]


Would you share it here? It can be useful for other devs (if it doesn't contain sensitive data).


Of course, here is the code for the class I created. You should first configure the database.php and tenancy.php files to establish the connection with SQL Server & call this class in managers:

'sqlsrv' => App\Services\SQLServerTenantDatabaseManager::class,



namespace Stancl\Tenancy\TenantDatabaseManagers;

use Illuminate\Database\Connection;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
use Stancl\Tenancy\Contracts\TenantDatabaseManager;
use Stancl\Tenancy\Contracts\TenantWithDatabase;
use Stancl\Tenancy\Exceptions\NoConnectionSetException;

class SQLServerTenantDatabaseManager implements TenantDatabaseManager
    /** @var string */
    protected $connection;

    protected function database(): Connection
        if ($this->connection === null) {
            throw new NoConnectionSetException(static::class);

        return DB::connection($this->connection);

    public function setConnection(string $connection): void
        $this->connection = $connection;

    public function createDatabase(TenantWithDatabase $tenant): bool
        return $this->database()->statement("CREATE DATABASE \"{$tenant->database()->getName()}\" ");

    public function deleteDatabase(TenantWithDatabase $tenant): bool
        return $this->database()->statement("DROP DATABASE \"{$tenant->database()->getName()}\"");

    public function databaseExists(string $name): bool
        return (bool) $this->database()->select("SELECT * FROM sysdatabases WHERE name = '$name'");

    public function makeConnectionConfig(array $baseConfig, string $databaseName): array
        $baseConfig['database'] = $databaseName;

        return $baseConfig;

I hope it's helpful. :3

Last updated 1 year ago.

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