Hello, I'm just starting to read about Laravel even though I already have PHP knowledge. I was looking for some library/framework/project for user authentication, CRUD operations on them, etc. I had read about this repo: https://github.com/jeremykenedy/laravel-users, but I see that the latest commits are quite old, so I thought I'd come and ask what people usually do (aside from building it from scratch, haha) or if anyone is familiar with this project, or others similar to it, etc.
Thank you very much in advance!
Hello @matimusss
First of all welcome :)
Did you read the page about the starter-kits? https://laravel.com/docs/10.x/starter-kits that already includes options for authentication.
If you want a nice start you can start your Laravel application with Laravel Jetstream: https://jetstream.laravel.com/introduction.html this is a good starter and complete kit for Laravel.
I don't have experience with the project you linked to. But to be honest I wouldn't advice anyone to start learning with an older version of the framework.
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