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posted 3 years ago
Last updated 2 years ago.

I found a solution using the Carbon class (also make sure that the time on the server is correct, mine was still a different timezone)

on the Laravel PHP side I read the last_activity as

`public function sessions(Request $request) { $jsonReposeData = [];

  foreach ($request->user()->getSessions()->get() as $currentSessionObject) {

     // If the session age has not reached the SESSION_LIFETIME value
     if ($currentSessionObject->LastActivity() > Carbon::now()->subMinutes(env('SESSION_LIFETIME'))->getTimestamp()) {
        $currentSession = [
           "row_id" => $currentSessionObject->RowID(),
           "user" => $request->user()->getUser()->get()->first()->getFullName(),
           "user_agent" => $currentSessionObject->UserAgent(),
           "ip_address" => $currentSessionObject->IPAddress(),
           "last_activity" => Carbon::parse($currentSessionObject->LastActivity())
           //"last_activity" => $currentSessionObject->LastActivity()

        array_push($jsonReposeData, $currentSession);

  return response()
        'success' => true,
        'sessions' => $jsonReposeData,
        'responseMessage' => 'Your sessions has been retreived'


On the javascript front end side, the data is read by (new Date) <template> <v-simple-table :loading="loading"> <template v-slot:default> <thead> <tr> <th class="text-left"> User </th> <th class="text-left"> IP Address </th> <th class="text-left"> User Agent </th> <th class="text-left"> Last Activity </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr v-for="item in sessions" :key="item.row_id"> <td>{{ item.user }}</td> <td>{{ item.ip_address }}</td> <td>{{ item.user_agent }}</td> <td> {{ new Date(item.last_activity) }} </td> </tr> </tbody> </template> </v-simple-table> </template>

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