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Last updated 2 years ago.

Can you post the web.php file ?

Is the error showing after everything installs and when you load the project on browser ?

Have you run: ?

    php artisan serve

What version are you using?

Last updated 5 years ago.

isaacmuniz liked this reply


@sangrialdrete the web.php file is as it comes.


/* |--------------------------------------------------------------------------

Web Routes
Here is where you can register web routes for your application. These
routes are loaded by the RouteServiceProvider within a group which
contains the "web" middleware group. Now create something great!

Route::get('/', function () { return view('welcome'); });`

I can actually run the project on browser just fine, the error just occurs after running composer require laravel/ui . Yes, I have run serve .

I'm using Laravel 6.


Have you installed the frontend scaffolding ?

check this out.

have you run any of this ?

// Generate basic scaffolding...
php artisan ui bootstrap
php artisan ui vue
php artisan ui react

// Generate login / registration scaffolding...
php artisan ui bootstrap --auth
php artisan ui vue --auth
php artisan ui react --auth

isaacmuniz liked this reply


What happens is I create the project using

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel projectName


php artisan serve

And I can visit the project in the browser just fine.


composer require laravel/ui

To make authentication.

And then this problem happens.


I also tried

composer require laravel/ui --dev

as is in the link you sent, but same thing happens.

After the error I did run

php artisan ui bootstrap

but nothing changed.

-also, how do I properly insert code here in the thread? Thanks

Last updated 5 years ago.

To insert code you just need to add padding to the lines. I mean white spaces.

Why dont you try

I remember trying to use 6.0 and I was having problems as well specially with the authentication.

But then I went for 5.8 and everyting runs just fine.

To install it you just do.

        composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel blog "5.8.*"

And then run

        php artisan make:auth

They changed a lot of things with 6.0 version.

Last updated 5 years ago.

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel blog "5.8.*"

Did it. Same thing. But now it happens even before I try to make the auth.

When I run laravel the console says it is not recognizable, does it has something to with the error?

-when I press tab it doesn't tab, instead it take the focus out of the text. using space also doesn't work :/

Last updated 5 years ago.

Use your code editor I recommend Visual Studio Code, then press tab and copy the block with all white spaces.

Check your environment. I cant help you much cause I need to see the errors, the code, etc. I strongly recommend starting from the begining, following the documentation. Everything is in there you just need to find it. Also doing your own research of the errors.

I believe when you fresh install laravel 6.0 it comes with bootsrap by default.

Check this out

Install NodeJs

Check the installation

    npm --version

To start

    composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel blog
    composer require laravel/ui --dev

Then do

    php artisan ui bootsrap --auth
    npm install && npm run dev

Configure your .env file to connect yo your database. Then do the migrations

    php artisan migrate:fresh --seed


    php artisan serve

And check it out. But for 5.8 version is as simple as I told you in my previous response. Start over from the begining following the docs.

Welcome to the programming world where everything fails, but that's the better way to learn.

Happy coding.


isaacmuniz liked this reply


Hey this reply will serve me a lot in learning. Thank you so much!

You wont believe, but see this:

Actually the whole thing is just fine, the problem was that, ironically as it seems, the Intelephense VS Code plugin, which should help me with the code, was showing this error without necessity.


Glad You've figured out!!

Yeah sometimes tools which are suppose to 'help you' cause more headeaches that the actual code.

I installed a php plugin on VS Code and everytime I opened the program it would parse the whole project, consuming a lot of cpu and delaying the actual coding so I removed it.

There are very nice plugins tho.

Well, feel free to ask if You have any other problem.

Regards. Daniel

isaacmuniz liked this reply


Thank you Daniel ;) You helped me out and I would love to follow you on Twitter, wanna connect with other coders, let me know it. Thanks.

sangrialdrete liked this reply


I love technoloy and Im always looking for new tools and try implement them and do someting awesome with them. But I really hate social media. Im that kind of programmer that knows what they can do and stay away from them.

Im not an expert but have some experience.

And BTW laravel docs is very large and full of features. I learned it from them. And of course doing my own research.

Regardless you could reach me at my username gmail. I would be happy to help others!! Happy frustrating coding! Lol

Regards Daniel

Last updated 5 years ago.

isaacmuniz liked this reply


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