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posted 10 years ago
Last updated 2 years ago.

You'll need to do things a little differently for Windows. I used to like creating a C:\bin directory and in that directory I would place things like Composer, PHPUnit, etc.

So download the PHAR and simply move it to your bin directory, now in that same directory create a laravel.bat file and in it paste this:

php "%~dp0laravel.phar" %*

Lastly you'll need to add your C:\bin directory to your path. From memory hover in the lower left corner and right click, select "System". On the left you should have "Advanced system properties", click that. Now look for something about "Environment variables". Once there, in the top box, scroll through and look for a PATH variable. Click it and press "Edit". At the end of the value add a new path.

<other paths in your path>;C:\bin

Hit "OK", and close everything. You'll need to close any open terminals. You should now be able to use laravel new blog.

Last updated 2 years ago.

I suggest you save laravel.phar to dir %USERPROFILE%\bin On windows system that would be something like "C:\Users<YourUsername>\bin". After that from command line, in dir. where you plan to make new laravel project, run:

"C:\wamp22\bin\php\php5.3.8\php.exe" %USERPROFILE%\bin\laravel.phar new <project_dir>

You should then make doskey (something similar to aliases on Unix) so you could run command like:

bin-laravel new <project_dir>

and create new project.

Search StackOverflow or Google how use doskey (hint: doskey /?)!

Last updated 2 years ago.

@jasonlewis @gecbla, Thank you i will try all your solutions...i will let you know...

Last updated 2 years ago.

You can follow a nice tutorial about install via laravel installer here

Last updated 9 years ago.

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