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Database Eloquent IOC
Last updated 2 years ago.

The getProductCodeAttribute should work, though you won't be able to query it like you try. It will only exist on the model (e.g. $order->product_code). If you want this column to appear in the JSON, you should add this to your model:

protected $appends = array('product_code');

If you still need to query the product code (for instance if you want to sort on that column) you could do it like this:

Auth::user()->orders()->get(array('product_name', DB::raw("CONCAT(product_name, '-', product_type, '-XXX') as product_code")));
Last updated 2 years ago.

Thanks .. That would have been been really good to know 6 months ago. ;-)

Is there any documentation other than the where all these magical protected variables are described and what you can do with them ?

I have tried reading over the API but you cant get much out of it unless you know how to even navigate it. I tried doing basic stuff like adding a variable to the model but there is just no way I would have some how known that I was supposed to do it like this.

protected $appends = array('product_code');

Im also going to forget that in 6 months time and have no way of looking it up ...

Last updated 2 years ago.
0 - very bottom of the documentation on Eloquent Models.

It's not hard to do a google search (it's the first result for eloquent model appends) and it is in the official documentation page you should expect it to be on (ctrl-f is your friend)

Last updated 2 years ago.

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