I want to track simple affiliate id. Let's say someone refer to the domain.com/blog/entry?ref=100 //...
It's possible to have two pagination settings for mobile & desktop? app/config/view.php If mobil...
app/config/app.php 'debug' => false, I set debug to false on live application. How do I enable...
I have tried to put Config::set('app.debug', true) directly from bootstrap/start.php and it's show m...
arcollector said: mmm, try this isset( $session['name'] ) ? $session['name'] : 'some default value'...
arcollector said: I dont like the Input::old('option')[$key][$session['name']] why don't just this...
arcollector said: well $session hasn't an index called 'name' try dd( $session ) and check its outp...
arcollector said: Input::old('options')[$key][$session['name']] ???? Sorry, syntax update.
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