Fully documented, build passing, check out perm here: https://github.com/andrewsuzuki/perm This is g...
I'm developing a package with the workbench. It requires a couple of other packages. I've been devel...
I'm developing a package in the workbench, and when I require a few dependencies in the package's co...
I just posted a somewhat incorrect answer on this thread: http://laravel.io/forum/03-10-2014-specify...
As you may know, "Repository" is a design pattern: http://martinfowler.com/eaaCatalog/repo...
You can look at the repository pattern: http://culttt.com/2013/07/08/creating-flexible-controllers-i...
It returns the absolute path because you might need some way to return that path if you're handling...
Yep, I answered this earlier with this thread: http://laravel.io/forum/03-11-2014-how-to-make-urls-s...
Do something like this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3724112/php-method-chaining With your und...
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