Hi there, I'm returning to Laravel since my last stint with v4/v5. Wow so much has changed. I have b...
Unable to successfully mock Config::shouldReceive('get')->with('my_testing_param_here'); because...
I've had a schema change on my application. I would like to use migrations to convert parts of the d...
Error message: http://puu.sh/d4kdm/4a084d1170.png This has to be something stupid, I even have the t...
I have an application that's getting pretty large. I've noticed that one of our tables "locatio...
Found a great solution using polymorphic relationships http://richardbagshaw.co.uk/blog/laravel-user...
Having the same issue. Hate to be the bringer of bad news but I have yet to find a solution.
Route::get('/news/post/{title}/{other_random_string}', NewsController@handlePostCreate); //Controll...
Hi toneee, There are actually a few different ways of managing user types (aka groups). My applicati...
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