TL;DR: Eloquent models are updating, if I dump the object the attributes show correctly, but when I...
Alright, I will do my best to describe my issue here. I have a route Route::get('/did/{search?}','DI...
I'm new to Laravel, and I'm loving the framework more and more everyday. I've only had one issue, an...
Got my answer from another forum. If interested, link below.
Anything in the /path/to/site/storage/logs/laravel.log file indicating an issue? Weird that you're n...
While I still can't say for certain what was causing this, moving my methods out of AppServiceProvid...
An update to this. If I perform this like so $DID = new DID; $DID->did = $search; $DID->did_ne...
You should have no issues on Linux, unless I'm missing something in your question. I run all of my p...
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