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Last updated 1 year ago.

Can you show some code?

Last updated 1 year ago.
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Last updated 1 year ago.

and heres my create.blade.php file


Last updated 1 year ago.

That looks correct. Are any errors being thrown? What is outputted when using this code?

Last updated 1 year ago.

pickupman said:

That looks correct. Are any errors being thrown? What is outputted when using this code?

The home page renders successfully. But the link to the create.blade.php doesn't inherit the styles/css/. I think there is something wrong with my path to the css/styling.. my master.blade.php resides inside the layouts folder while the create.blade.php resides inside users folder. I put the css styling, javascript etc. at the public folder.

Last updated 1 year ago.

I got it already. I need to redefine the path at the head section of my create.blade.php file. SOLVED

Last updated 1 year ago.

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