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Views Blade Validation
Last updated 2 years ago.

I don't think Carbon has what your asking for.

I set up a test route and this is my result for what your asking for.

Route::get('/testcarbon', function() {

    // a couple of holidays as timestamps
    $holidays[] = strtotime("01/23/15");
    $holidays[] = strtotime("01/28/15");


    // test date
    $date = "01/21/15";

    // convert to carbon
    $MyDateCarbon = \Carbon\Carbon::parse($date);
    echo "entered date : " . $MyDateCarbon->timestamp . ' - ' . $MyDateCarbon->toRfc2822String(). '<BR>';

    // add three days to selected date
    echo "query date : " .  $MyDateCarbon->timestamp . ' - ' .($MyDateCarbon->toRfc2822String()). '<BR>';

    while (true) {

        // verify date,  not in holiday and is not weekend
        if (in_array($MyDateCarbon->timestamp, $holidays) || $MyDateCarbon->isWeekend()) {

            echo "-- is holiday or weekend ". $MyDateCarbon->toRfc2822String() . " <BR>";

            // the day is either in the holidays array or is a weekend
            // add one day
        } else {
            // ok, day should be good, exit while


    echo "final date: " . $MyDateCarbon->toRfc2822String(). '<BR>';

    echo "<hr>done";


Hope that helps

Solution selected by @driesvints

Hi TerrePorter,

Thanks for your help! There is a little problem with the code though, it doesn't take into account if the second or third day is a Weekend or Holiday. So I changed it up a little.

$holidays = ["2015-01-01", "2015-01-02"];

$date = "12/31/14";
$MyDateCarbon = Carbon::parse($date);


for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++;) {

    if (in_array(Carbon::parse($date)->addWeekdays($i)->toDateString(), $holidays)) {




So basically it adds 3 Weekdays, and check if any of the Weekdays added is a holiday and if there is any, it'll add a day to the final date. Thanks! Couldn't have thought of it without you.

Last updated 10 years ago.

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