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Installation Configuration
Last updated 2 years ago.

You can try running "vagrant provision" and see if that helps. Otherwise, if nothing would be lost, I would run "vagrant destroy" followed by "vagrant up" again.


It looks like your running vagrant inside MINGW64, which might cause the pathing to be different.

I'm assuming that this is your project code path - Raja@DESKTOP-7L6O0CF MINGW64 /f/Project/Homestead (master)

You might try changing '- map: F:/Project/PHP' to '- map: /f/Project/PHP'

If you have an error on the SSH key after that, then those paths might also need to be changed from a C:/ to /c/...

Have you tried running vagrant from a windows command prompt?

I'm not sure what else to offer as I don't run my vagrant inside MINGW64.

Hope that helps


@tkprocar I tried "vagrant provision". And of course, I destroyed and run vagrant many times. But Nothing helps.


@ TerrePorter. I tried windows cmd prompt before using git bash. ( I refferd this ).

This is what I did:

  1. Downloaded laravel/homestead file manually and added it using the cmd "vagrant box add laravel/homestead hc-download" (where hc-download is the downloaded file)

  2. When I run vagrant up inside the cloned Homestead directory. I got :

    Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox' provider... ==> default: Box 'laravel/homestead' could not be found. Attempting to find and install... default: Box Provider: virtualbox default: Box Version: >= 0.4.0 ==> default: Loading metadata for box 'laravel/homestead' default: URL: ==> default: Waiting for cleanup before exiting...

  3. After some refrences, I recreated Vagrantfile in the cloned Homestead directory using "vagrant init laravel/homestead". After that vagrant up is working

  4. But Folder, Mapping wont created.

I suspect problem is in my Vagrantfile. I am not supposed to recreate that using the cmd "vagrant init laravel/homestead". Right ? Bcz It just enable = "laravel/homestead" No other mapping in the orginal vagrantfile(cloned from laravel/homestead github) is not presented. But vagrant up wont start if I run with the orginal vagrantFile

Last updated 9 years ago.

Did you get the box added in to vagrant?

vagrant box list


vagrant box add laravel/homestead /path/to/

vagrant init laravel/homestead

vagrant up

Folder Structure


-|	.homestead
-|	.ssh
-|	.vagrant.d
-|	Homestead


C:\Users\Raja\Homestead>vagrant box list
laravel/homestead (virtualbox, 0)

C:\Users\Raja\Homestead>vagrant up
Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
==> default: Box 'laravel/homestead' could not be found. Attempting to find and install...
	default: Box Provider: virtualbox
	default: Box Version: >= 0.4.0
==> default: Loading metadata for box 'laravel/homestead'
	default: URL:
==> default: Adding box 'laravel/homestead' (v0.4.1) for provider: virtualbox

Do I need to reint "vagarant init laravel/homestead" ? vagrantfile already presented in Homestead directory. Am I wrong ?

Last updated 9 years ago.

It looks like it is still trying to download the box.

This is what I get when running: vagrant box list

c:\local_devel\Homestead-2.1.8_custom>vagrant box list
laravel/homestead (virtualbox, 0.3.0)
laravel/homestead (virtualbox, 0.3.3)

You might be able to get by with just getting the box added in and it showing up in the box list.

Last updated 9 years ago.

Thanks I will redownload vagrant box. :)


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