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Last updated 2 years ago.

Route::get('/') pointing to the correct controller/code? But if it's only Chrome and not any other non-webkit browser. Maybe a 3rd-party chrome plugin is causing an loading error?

Last updated 2 years ago.

Only with Chrome, desktop and mobile version. I dont know how to explain this problem. The site is located on an international domain (.uk), i'm in Italy, I do not know whether it would be relevant. And the same problem happened with chrome mobile. I am very frustrated by this

Last updated 2 years ago.

But loading it in for example firefox or IE it loads just fine?
(Have to have a base to try and hone in on the problem)

Last updated 2 years ago.

Yes, sorry you was right before, was a routing problem. I dont know why but for firefox and ie for example, with routing that i've defined was right. But know i've changed something and it's seems to be ok on Chrome too.

Last updated 2 years ago.

I'm always on Chrome, loaded fine.

Last updated 2 years ago.

Thanks Xone, maybe it was a simple mistake. Thanks again, forever Laravel.


Last updated 2 years ago.

clear the browser cache and restart the browser.

See this guide: How To Fix Chrome’s ERR


You can find few simple steps to solve this problem. check here for more about this error here.



Hold Windows-key + R on your keyboard a new Run window appears.

Type or copy paste the following text in the run box: %LOCALAPPDATA% a new Explorer window opens, directory: C:\Users{your-username}\AppData\Local\Find the folder named “Google” and rename this folder to “GoogleOLD”.

How to rename a folder? Right-click the “Google” folder and select Rename from the list.

If you can’t rename the folder because a file is blocking it.

Press Windows key + R on your keyboard, enter in the RUN Box the following command: taskkill /f /im chrome.exe and try again.

Restart your computer.

If this doesn’t work, perform Steps 1 -3 as described below.


Last updated 7 years ago.

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I have been following this topic since a long time. Windows 10 loader


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