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Database Eloquent
Last updated 2 years ago.

That would be hard to do and ambiguous because you would get a collection of mixed models.


Hi Rickshawhobo,

Thanks for your answer but the morphTo in a 1:n Polymorphic relation returns a collection of mixed models. I'm just looking for a way to do this in a n:n Polymorphic relation.



In a 1 to many, the morphTo returns the parent. Read the documentation again.

Retrieving The Owner Of A Polymorphic Relation

However, the true "polymorphic" magic is when you access the staff or order from the Photo model:

$photo = Photo::find(1);

$imageable = $photo->imageable;

The imageable relation on the Photo model will return either a Staff or Order instance, depending on which type of model owns the photo.


rickshawhobo said:

That would be hard to do and ambiguous because you would get a collection of mixed models.

If those models adhered to an interface then it wouldn't be any issue. I'm needing this same functionality where I need all the different models associated to that tag.

I'm confused because there's a github issue that seems to reference this exact functionality dating back to 2013, and Taylor said it was implemented, but I don't see any examples of it. Or maybe I misunderstood the original posters outcome.


I searched and searched and searched and could not find an answer to this question, but I do have a solution (which has it's own shortcomings).

For your example above add the following to your Tags class.....

 protected $with = ['posts','videos'];

    public function imageable ()
        return collect ($this->getRelations())->collapse();

My thinks is as follows.........

 protected $with = ['posts','videos'];

will eager load your relations so that

$tag = Tag::find(3);

will eager load all the relations for that model that has id=3. Normally they will only be loaded when you make the call to



return collect ($this->getRelations())->collapse();

will get all the related models (an 'array' of post collection and video collection), turn the array into a collection itself and then collapse the collection down to a single level collection of a mixture of Post models and Video models.




So your call on the model would be

$tag = Tag::find(3);
$all = $tag->imageable(); // remember the method call"()"

Someone out there who is a lot smarter than me will no doubt be able to explain that this may cause extra SQL calls but for me it works and I hope this can help someone.

Thank you to pfbernardo for asking the question. "... to get all related models, the same way as I can with morphTo.' is what he wanted and I think this can give him that.

Last updated 9 years ago.

Hello ghkdev,

you found a very clever solution to this problem, thanks a lot for your hints.

I am also facing it and the best solution I found was yours. Still there is one more thing that I may use your help with: how would you paginate/simple paginate the query in this scenario? Do you even think this might be possible?

Best regards, Federico


I changed ghkdev's code little bit:

public function taggables()
	$all[] = $this->posts;
	$all[] = $this->videos;
	return collect(array_collapse($all));

Avoiding $with property and getting related models manually, we can get related models when we run taggables() method. I may be wrong in some cases because I am not pro in Laravel world. Any corrections or better suggestions are strongly appreciated!


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