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posted 11 years ago
Last updated 2 years ago.
Return Redirect::to('cv.edit')
            ->with('id', $id);    //<---- id  can only be accessed Via Session


you used named route

return Redirect::route('cv.edit');

Dynamic Layout in Laravel 4

Last updated 2 years ago.

Hello codetrash!

Thank you very much for your answer. Unfortunately, even if i replace my return statement by yours and include the id, it does only show a blank page instead of my form... Do you have any other idea?


Last updated 2 years ago.

You can Check /storage/logs for the error....

  1. remove all error inside the log file

  2. run your program again

  3. open the log file again to see which codes going wrong

    $diploma = CvDiploma::where('user_uid', '=', $id)->get();

    u can use first() to retrieve only one data

    $diploma = CvDiploma::where('user_uid', '=', $id)->first();

Last updated 2 years ago.

Thanks, I didn't know the hint with the logfile.... but there is no error! Just a blank page... no error. Makes me wanna cry :-(

But I definitely appreciate your help!!!

Last updated 2 years ago.

If the update method is the controller action you are intending to be called remove static from it. The way you worded it I am not sure if you are using resourceful controllers or are calling this inside another action.

public function update($id)

catherine111 said:

When the form ist submitted, a controller executes this function and finally leads the browser to the first route (see above) again:

public static function update($id)
  	// store information from personal info form
  FeUser::where('uid', '=', $id)
  		'telephone1' => Input::get('telephone1'), 
  		'telephone2' => Input::get('telephone2'), 
  		'telephone3' => Input::get('telephone3')

  // redirect
  return Redirect::to('cv.edit');


Last updated 2 years ago.

Thank you for answering me and sorry for my late answer, I was on holliday! :-D

The controller that calls the update() function looks like this:

Route::put('/personal_info/update', array('as' => 'cv.update', function()
    $id = Input::get('uid');

I recently changed it to this:

Route::put('/personal_info/update', array('as' => 'cv.update', function()
    $id = Input::get('uid');
    return Redirect::to('cv');

Now he at least accepts to go back to the root I want him to go to. But that doesn't seem clean to me...

If I do remove "static", I get an error "Non-static method DiplomaController::update() should not be called statically "

Last updated 2 years ago.

You're not really using controllers in the best way. Try

Route::put('personal_info/update/{id}', array('as' => 'cv.update', 'uses' => 'DiplomaController@update'));

In the controller's update method, {id} will be passed as the first argument

public function update($id)
  // your code
  return Redirect::route('cv.edit', array($id));
Last updated 2 years ago.

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