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Database Mail Packages
Last updated 2 years ago.

New update is live for BetaUp. First of all, config has been added so some features can be turned off if not needed, route prefix can be changed and I added small, basic social media icons for Twitter and Facebook (can be set in config). More details about the newest update:


  • removed assets physical dependency (no need to publish)
  • views are split into parent-childs model
  • added config support (check docs above)
  • added social media icons
  • added error/success alert with fade-out
  • minor clean-ups
Last updated 2 years ago.

Thanks for sharing, Belar.

Are there any screenshots or visual examples by any chance?

Last updated 2 years ago.

New version is up and running.

As mentioned earlier, there are new options for mass mail, to be more specific it's possible to choose if we want to write to active/inactive members or all of them. There will be more, but I need to rethink some ideas, don't want to overdo anything.
Bigger change is karma system with referral links. Each sign-up gets refer-code which allows them to gather karma via referral link. This way, website owner can reward people helping to share info about his website (Thanks to Gil Greenberg @Intradox for the suggestion), let's say give beta keys to users with more karma. By default people who actually activate their e-mail also get points, just another example how to encourage visitors to do certain activities.

BetaUp 2.3

  • defining users for mass mail
  • referral codes
  • karma system
  • alert fade-out with X ms (can be changed in config)

jgarifuna said:

Are there any screenshots or visual examples by any chance?

Thanks for asking, sorry I didn't catch this one earlier. There are no screenshots as it's pretty much clean, Bootstrap 3 based, example form - for now it's more of a back-end stuff. With next BetaUp version I would like to make some styling options via config, then for sure screenshots will be included.

Last updated 2 years ago.

Version 2.4 is available.

First styling options are up as well as default theme for fast and easy, early setup. It uses full screen, photo background you can set with config file and 2 styling variants, light and dark.

Last updated 2 years ago.

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Belar belar Joined 1 Feb 2014


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