"Connection could not be established with host "smtp.gmail.com:587": stream_socket_cl...
I'm having a problem with an new Breeze installation. While I think it's a bug, I can't discount fau...
Good day, How do you guys control spam on your sites having contact Form for a call back request?
We are looking at upgrading our oldish collections of php scripts to Laravel. We are running in trou...
How to fix this error : Connection could not be established with host "mailpit:1025" I've...
I am using new Mail Notification feature from Laravel 6.x and use supervisor to manage queue worker...
I have been using SES the AWS transactional email provider on several sites and it has always been g...
Hello, I've been trying for a day to make sending an email not working, for a moment I thought it wa...
I'm trying to use mailgun in laravel 9 but I always get this error: Symfony\Component\Mailer\Excepti...
There has got to be an easier way to do this. I need to send a Mailable to all my users. The officia...
Hi, I'm using queued mails, and I would like to move the mail job to failed jobs table when an error...
This documentation is bogus https://laravel.com/docs/9.x/mail I'm running v 9.34.0 and if I follow t...
Swift_TransportException: Failed to authenticate on SMTP server with username "[email protected]...
Please explain the conception of how to sign outgoing emails in Laravel 9 with a DKIM signature. Lar...
Hello Laravel Community, I'm using the markdown templates to write emails. Adapting the html layout...
Hello friens!! I hope you so very very well in this times. I need your help with somethig, I have an...
I'm trying to send an email with laravel. With this function I can send emails and attachments. But...
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In a live server can use plain PHP mail(...,...,...,...) function, to send email from Laravel 8.x, l...
chisonum liked this thread
Hello, i tried to dd($__data) in my mail templete blade view, but it is not working. Do someone have...
I have a problem with character encoding in all emial messages that I send in the standard way, i.e....
kris-84 liked this thread
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