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Eloquent Architecture
Last updated 2 years ago.

this is how I made CRUD with laravel, still maybe exists a better approach

// models/Post.php
class Post extends Eloquent {
	protected $table = 'posts';
	public function comments() {
		return $this->hasMany( 'Comments' );

// models/Comment.php
class Comment extends Eloquent {
	protected $table = 'comments';
	public function post() {
		return $this->belongsTo( 'Post' );

// for create
$post = new Post();
$post->data = $data;
$post->save(); // will create a record in posts table

$comments = new Comments();
$comments->post()->associate( $post ); // grab the post id
$comments->data = $data;
$comments->save(); // will create a record in comments table with the correct post_id

// for update
$post = Post::find( $id );
$post->data = $data;
$post->comments->data = $data;
$post->push(); // will update post and coment records

// for delete (you must also setup the cacasde on delete in your schema definition on comments table to make this works)

for transactions check here:

Last updated 2 years ago.

There is no equivalent to saveAll in Laravel. The best practice is handle relationship cascades as events in your models:

That is, when you save your model, you listen for either the saving or saved event, at which point, you then apply whatever child / parent saving strategy you need (either save, associate, attach, detatch or sync).

That said, depending on the complexity of your relationship structure, this might be a bit cumbersome to implement efficiently and without triggering errors, which is why I suspect we don't currently have something like a saveAll() method available.

Last updated 2 years ago.

GRAgmLauncher said:

There is no equivalent to saveAll in Laravel. The best practice is handle relationship cascades as events in your models:

That is, when you save your model, you listen for either the saving or saved event, at which point, you then apply whatever child / parent saving strategy you need (either save, associate, attach, detatch or sync).

That said, depending on the complexity of your relationship structure, this might be a bit cumbersome to implement efficiently and without triggering errors, which is why I suspect we don't currently have something like a saveAll() method available.

Does it mean we have to impletment a DB transaction by ourself ?

Last updated 2 years ago.

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