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Last updated 2 years ago.

The best thing I think would be to use Laravel as a backend that provides an API. Make the front-end in something like AngularJS and then you can port the front-end to mobile with Phone Gap. This way all your front-end stuff is already loaded into the installed app which saves you some bandwidth and you only have to load the dynamic data through the API.

Last updated 2 years ago.

Thanks, that does sound like the best way to get a high-performance PhoneGap app without refactoring too much. Looks like it's time to dive into Angular.

Last updated 2 years ago.

Regarding the you guys have any recommendation or best practice? I have been trying to do it via JSON but not working as expected...

Last updated 2 years ago.

extjac said:

Regarding the you guys have any recommendation or best practice? I have been trying to do it via JSON but not working as expected...

I highly recommend Phil Sturgeon's Book "How To Build APIs You Wont Hate". It's quite informative for those new to building APIs and it covers a lot of interesting topics. Worth a read, JSON is the way forward though :)

Last updated 2 years ago.

How did this/is this project going?

I'm about to do something similar. Moving off blade, and having Laravel as API, with RESTful JSON. So it could easily serve the web browser and ios/android apps.

But instead of Angular, i'm going with Emberjs.

Last updated 2 years ago.

I went with Emberjs instead of Angular and I'm having a hard time with Ember's Data Adapters. Apparently it doesn't work out of the box.

I'm searching for a custom adapter at this point


I think you can create your app using blade and then serve it from within a native app Check out my answers here: Hint: use something like


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