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Session Packages
Last updated 2 years ago.

First, check that the flash facade got imported. Run php artisan tinker from your project directory and run this:


I use the package from caffinated.

"caffeinated/flash": "dev-master",

Xum, thanks for your reply, yes the thing that Flash is not getting imported. But as I mentioned before I updated my service providers and aliases, and used "Laracasts\Flash\Flash;", but still it throws error. It is the first package which does not work according guides, as I have imported and used quite some without problem. I think I will just switch to another flash package as illuminate3 suggested or will use Session::flash for that job.


I am once again back on this topic, as I can not get imported Flash package neither from "laracasts/flash" or neither from "caffeinated/flash". Whenever I try to access Flash class, I got "Flash class not found..."

So I will try to explain step by step what I did, to figure out what I have done wrong:

  • composer require caffeinated/flash
  • added 'Caffeinated\Flash\FlashServiceProvider' to providers array in config/app.php
  • added 'Flash' => 'Caffeinated\Flash\Facades\Flash' to aliases array in config/app.php
  • run composer dump-autoload

And now when I try to access Flash facade, I import Facade at the top of the class I am using

use Caffeinated\Flash;

However I can not reference it neither by Flash or neither by \Flash. I always get Flash class not found...

Last updated 9 years ago.

this might be a little to late, but make sure that you have both:



'Flash'     => 'Laracasts\Flash\Flash',

in your config/app.php file


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