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Last updated 2 years ago.

Did you run composer dump-autoload after adding the namespace?


TerrePorter said:

Did you run composer dump-autoload after adding the namespace?

Thank you TerrePorter. I done it, but same as before.


A couple things to try,

Eliminate the view to confirm data,

class BlogsController extends \BaseController {
    public function index()
        $clubid = Session::get('clubid');

// dump the db data
         dd( Blog::clubBlog($clubid)->get()->toArray() );

        return \View::make('default.public.default')->with('blogs',Blog::clubBlog($clubid)->get());

Another thing would be the look in the composer autoload and see if it has the model in the list of known classes, vendor/composer/autoload_classmap.php

actually this might be the issue, check the composer.json to make sure it is set to include the models folder in the autoload

"autoload": {
		"classmap": [


TerrePorter said:

A couple things to try,

Eliminate the view to confirm data,

class BlogsController extends \BaseController {
   public function index()
       $clubid = Session::get('clubid');

// dump the db data
        dd( Blog::clubBlog($clubid)->get()->toArray() );

       return \View::make('default.public.default')->with('blogs',Blog::clubBlog($clubid)->get());

Another thing would be the look in the composer autoload and see if it has the model in the list of known classes, vendor/composer/autoload_classmap.php

actually this might be the issue, check the composer.json to make sure it is set to include the models folder in the autoload

"autoload": {
  	"classmap": [

I have checked autoload_classmap.php and found one mistake with 'Blog' model. Thank you very much!


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