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Authentication Session

Hello. How can I access the current logged in user with auth()->user() in global scope defined in User model itself? When trying to do so, the application returns error 500 regarding maximum nesting level. I understand why this might be a problem, but is there a way to overcome this?

// User.php
protected static function boot() {
   static::addGlobalScope('test', function(Builder $builder) {
      $builder->where('id', auth()->id());
Last updated 2 years ago.

Why are you using auth()? If you use Auth::user()->id , does it work?


TorchSK said:

Why are you using auth()? If you use Auth::user()->id , does it work?

It doesn't work with Auth::user() also (same error). What's wrong with auth()? I thought it was helper class.


In case someone stumbles upon this thread. I managed to cheat a bit. What I did is saved authenticated user id in session in LoginListener handle method:

// LoginListener.php
public function handle(Login $event) {
    session(['auth_user_id' => $event->user->id]);

And then in User model global scope used this value.

// User.php
protected static function boot() {
   if (session('auth_user_id')) {
      static::addGlobalScope('test', function(Builder $builder) {
         $builder->where('id', session('auth_user_id'));
Last updated 7 years ago.

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