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Input Forms Testing
Last updated 2 years ago.

txtjandatum, txtjanactiviteit, txtjanwaar and txtjanuur fields' names should be like txtjandatum[] ... This makes input field an array. Then Input::get('txtjandatum') will return an array contains all txtjandatum values by row order.

Last updated 2 years ago.


Thanks for the reply. Then how should those fields be named :

txtjandatum[] OR txtjandatum$i[] ($i representing the number)

and do i use the 'get' in the same file as the input fields or in the next one?

Last updated 2 years ago.

Just txtjandatum[]. Default array index will give you the row number. (Starts with zero)

$jandatum = Input::get('txtjandatum');

// $jandatum[0] returns value of the field in first row
// $jandatum[1] returns value of the field in second row
// ...

foreach($jandatum as $rowNumber => $inputValue) {
    // do something with $rowNumber and $inputValue
Last updated 2 years ago.

Thanks for the advice, I used your idea to use array's. It would't work, so i tweaked it a bit and now it does work! Thanks for the help ;-)

Last updated 2 years ago.

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