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posted 10 years ago
Last updated 2 years ago.

I've succesfully installed a laravel app on gs. It works but...

I have a couple of problems in the configuration of an automated deployment task. I've created a laravel remote command in order to execute a bunch of basic shell commands such as "git pull" and "composer install".

Problems are these:

  • I can't execute composer with scripts cause in my dev environment (and in the git repo) I haven't php-latest so I cannot hardcode it in the composer.json file
  • My app has php 5.4 as a requirement cause I use traits. artisan launch subprocesses with php, not with php-latest so its commands are executed with stable version of php (5.3.27) and not with the latest one (5.5). this cause that composer cannot autoload traits while executing "php artisan dump-autoload"
  • hostname is dynamic, so using it for the environment autodetection does not work. I would like to use environment variables but I think there's no way of setting them up in order to have them available in cli mode. I've done the trick including a php file if present for setting up an env var using putenv. It works but it's a tricky solution that I don't like too much.
  • mysql does not support views/trigger/stored procedures while I was using them...

Any suggestion (last point excluded)?
I'm going mad...

Last updated 2 years ago.

First, this link does not work. Second, after following these directions, nothing works. I get directory not found errors on all pages. Still stuck trying to figure this out :(

Last updated 2 years ago.

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