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Last updated 2 years ago.

aik099 said:


Is there any example of Laravel-based project that have back-end. For example on "/admin" there is nice Admin Panel where you can edit data.

I haven't seen Back-End concept in Laravel so I guess it's all Front-End, but you can create "/admin" route that will virtually create that Admin Panel.

There's a backend concept of laravel. Do you know how to setup the database for Laravel?

Last updated 2 years ago.

I think, we tend to confuse the concept of Front-End, Back-End and Front-Office - Back-Office. Correct me if I was wrong.

In applications environments and business logic, we have the following concepts:

  • If we take knowledge about the Business Logic we would have a Front-Office as one or more applications that we have direct contact with consumers, partners, providers, ... an example may be a Customer Relationship Management,...

  • The Back-Office could be the part of your application that contain the work of your employees or the business employees, as an Intranet. One or more examples of these would be a Maintainance Management System, Human Resources Management, or Finances Resources Management...

In the other hand, you can take knowledge about the development process of your application and have two worlds:

  • The Front-End: is the visible part of your application in the client view (Explorer in Web Clients, or Desktop in other cases). The languages that it use are: HTML, CSS, JS, ...

  • The Back-End: is the Server part of your development process and the Database Management Systems. Some languages that you can use in this environment are: PHP, RUBY, ...

Then your admin would be more related with the Back-Office. But in the development world it will have parts of the Back-End (server management of this Admininistration site), and Front-End (the view of this in a Desktop or Web Client).

Hope it helps you.

Last updated 2 years ago.

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