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Security Session
Last updated 2 years ago.

you can print it with

echo Session::get("message");
Last updated 2 years ago.

SerdarSanri said:

you can print it with

echo Session::get("message");

w00t that happened :-

{{ Session::get('message') !== null ? Session::get('message') : '' }}

Is using Session::get('message') the only alternative ?


Last updated 2 years ago.

You could do {{ $message or "" }}

If $message is set, and has a value, it will write out that value. If not it will write out nothing ""

If you don't have the or set , it will throw a variable undefined exception...

Last updated 2 years ago.

Hi, your

{{ $message or "" }}

is not working for me.

Last updated 2 years ago.

@getio, Weird. I just checked and I can confirm it works. Basically the or is saying if $message is set and has a value echo that else echo nothing ("")

I just did a quick test as such. A default route,

//A route with a message variable passed

Route::get('/', function() {
    return View::make('dummy')->with('message', 'Some message here');

And in my dummy.blade.php view file

{{ $messsage or 'Default View'}}

With this, I get the output 'Some message here'.

If i elimiate the with clause and just pass

return View::make('dummy')

then the output from the view is 'Default View'.

And with

{{ $message or "" }}

I get the variable printed if it is passed, or nothing printed if its not passed...

I've sometimes found laravel takes a while (more than a few refreshes) for blade to compile the new works though

Last updated 2 years ago.

abhiyanp said:

@getio, Weird. I just checked and I can confirm it works. Basically the or is saying if $message is set and has a value echo that else echo nothing ("")

I just did a quick test as such. A default route,

//A route with a message variable passed

Route::get('/', function() {
   return View::make('dummy')->with('message', 'Some message here');

And in my dummy.blade.php view file

{{ $messsage or 'Default View'}}

With this, I get the output 'Some message here'.

If i elimiate the with clause and just pass

return View::make('dummy')

then the output from the view is 'Default View'.

And with

{{ $message or "" }}

I get the variable printed if it is passed, or nothing printed if its not passed...

I've sometimes found laravel takes a while (more than a few refreshes) for blade to compile the new works though

I think you are missing that he is using Redirect instead of View::make

if you were rendering a view direcly you can access data with $variable name, but because you are using Redirec, the data you pass to Redirect class "with" method is only accessible with Session. Or instead of passing message you can pass ->withErrors() and can ready validation errors on the view.

take a look at

Last updated 2 years ago.

@SerdarSanri Good catch, thank you. Must be needing a new pair of glasses soon..

Last updated 2 years ago.

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