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posted 4 years ago
Last updated 2 years ago.

Hi Darius,

You will need to add a route to your web.php file have a read through this page which explains what to do

the link you created is pointing to a named route so make sure you read about how to create one of those or adjust your link accordingly


I'm confused here. I already have the following route defined in web.php;

Route::resource('cashbooktransactions', 'CashbookTransactionController');

As I understand it, route('cashbooktransactions.apply',$transaction->id) should just point to the apply function in the corresponding controller class, correct? Or do I need to create a route for every class function that I would like to use? I mean, the edit and destroy functions also do not have a separate route defined, so why should a "custom" defined function have one?


Last updated 4 years ago.

I'm completely lost I'm afraid. I added the following to web.php;

Route::get('cashbooktransactions/apply', 'CashbookTransactionController@apply');
Route::resource('cashbooktransactions', 'CashbookTransactionController');

The second line was already there, I just pasted it in to demonstrate I put it before Router::resource. And still I get a route not defined message.

Last updated 4 years ago.

Found it! I'm posting the solution here for anyone else struggling with this.

I found the problem by checking the output from php artisan route:list. This showed me that I was not using the transaction ID in the route and that the route was not properly named. Here is the solution.

Route::get('cashbooktransactions/{cashbooktransaction}/apply', 'CashbookTransactionController@apply')->name('cashbooktransactions.apply');

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Darius Blaszyk daar Joined 21 Aug 2019


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