Hi, I am having problem with my query. I have 4 tables users,prospects,leads,items. All of them related oneToMany relation Like users hasMany prospects, prospects hasMany Leads, leads hasMany Items. My Items is the table that I need the data from. Item table is like below.
$table->string('sales_phase',11); // the sale_phase has 4 category only A,B,C,D
I need to get the the sum of forcast and group by sales_phase. I need 2 result.
For the first result I am able to make the the pivot table by this below query. But how I can pass parameter in where condition, where lead is active. And get result by user;
$data = DB::table('items')
SUM(CASE WHEN sales_phase='New Lead' THEN forcast ELSE 0 END) AS NEW_LEAD, SUM(CASE WHEN sales_phase='Contact' THEN forcast ELSE 0 END) AS CONTACT, SUM(CASE WHEN sales_phase='Quotation' THEN forcast ELSE 0 END) AS QUOTATION, SUM(CASE WHEN sales_phase='Order' THEN forcast ELSE 0 END) AS ORDERS
Please help. Im not good enough in sql.
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