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posted 1 year ago

Hello @leenooks

This is default functionality for PHP, see:

The most important part is:

__isset() is triggered by calling isset() or empty() on inaccessible (protected or private) or non-existing properties.

It doesn't load execute a __GET() to only see if the variable is set.

So in basic: If you implement the __GET() function it is advisable to implement the __ISSET function.


You are right that the issue is rooted in the isset() method. The isset() method only checks for the existence of a public property or a public variable. If the attribute is accessed via the __get() method, the isset() method will not be able to detect it.

The workaround you mentioned is correct. You can create an __isset() method on the object to return true if the attribute is accessible via __get(). This will allow the pluck method to work correctly, even if the attribute is accessed via __get().

I agree that this is a shortcoming in Laravel. The pluck method should be able to check if an attribute is accessible via __get(), even if it is not defined as a public property.

I also think that the __isset() method is a good workaround. It is simple to implement and it works reliably. I would recommend using this workaround until the Laravel team fixes the issue.


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